Selected Publications
Congress: Ideology
- “Income Inequality and Ideological Positions in the U.S. Congress.” Forthcoming. Political Research Quarterly.
- “Ideological Polarization and the Vanishing of Marginals: Retrospective Roll-Call Voting in the U.S. Congress.” 2010. The Journal of Politics 72 (2): 499-512.
- “Conditional Party Government and the Homogeneity of Constituent Interests.” 2005. The Journal of Politics 67 (4): 1006-29.
Congress: Apportionment and Redistricting
- “Democrats want to make D.C. a state. Here’s what it would take.” The Washington Post, The Monkey Cage.
- “Trump’s fight to count US citizens and non-citizens: 5 questions answered.” The Conversation.
- “‘Appearances Do Matter’: Congressional District Compactness and Electoral Turnout.” 2018. Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy 17 (2): 137-150.
- “Before the Lines are Drawn: Congressional Apportionment in Florida” in Jigsaw Puzzle Politics in the Sunshine State, ed. Seth C. McKee. 2015. University of Florida Press.
- “The Devil’s in the Details: Evaluating the One Person, One Vote Principle in American Politics.” 2014. Politics and Governance 2 (1): 4-30. (with Seth C. McKee).
- “One Person, One Vote, 435 Seats: Interstate Malapportionment and Constitutional Requirements.” 2011. Connecticut Law Review 43 (4): 1125-56.
- “On the Causes and Consequences of and Remedies for Interstate Malapportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives.” 2008. Perspective on Politics 6 (1): 89-107 (with Mathew Jasinski)
Political Economy
- “Trade: Neo-Classical Liberal Views on Impacts.” 2010. In Robert A. Denemark’s (ed.) The International Studies Encyclopedia, vol. XI. Oxford, England: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp.7061-79.
- “Housing Starts and the Political Business Cycle.” 2008. American Politics Research 36 (5): 776-98.
- “Domestic Influences on International Trade Policy: Factor Mobility in the United States, 1963 to 1992.” 2006. International Organization 60 (1): 69-103.